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Health on your terms
We recognise that the one-size-fits-all healthcare model doesn’t work. There is no one way to be healthy.
We go with your flow by delivering convenient, high-quality products that fit your needs and lifestyle, without compromising on your values.
We see privacy and continuity as the bedrock of being your own health advocate and owning your health record—the central purpose of our digital platform.
We lift the veil
We believe consumers should be able to make educated choices. This can only be achieved if brands commit to radical transparency. We lift the veil on our supply chain and manufacturing process and invite our community to know exactly what’s going on behind the scenes of Daye.
We believe medical research should be accessible for all. That’s why we make our own research and related scientific studies accessible and digestible to the non-medical community through our blog, Vitals.
Leave an impact, not a trace
We interpret sustainability holistically.
We are committed to making our products and services as environmentally friendly as possible—recognising that this a continued effort.
Sustainability to us doesn’t just mean the health and happiness of the planet; it means the wellbeing of the company and everyone who’s part of it.
Bridge the gap
We believe that both sexes deserve the same level of healthcare. Gynae health is human health, despite most medical research favouring the male physiology to date.
Founder & CEO
Had her first painful period age 9.
Dedicated to building life-changing digital experiences.
Resident Doctor & Head of Research
Trained and worked as a doctor in Australia, before writing his Masters thesis on using menstrual blood as a diagnostic.
Director of Operations
Hitchhiked from Bath, UK to Paris for a charity dressed as a smurf.
Head of Medical Innovation
In the business of problem solving since Daye one.
Senior Software Engineer
When not creating software, always humming something.
CX and Social Media Coordinator
In a relationship with carbs.
Community and CX Manager
Always in the mood for coffee and dogs.
Customer Support Associate
Constantly chatting and occasionally snacking.
Clinical, Regulatory and Quality Manager
Runs 20k in less than 2 hours on 2 hours of sleep.
Software Engineer
Father of three. Dreams about the stars.
Fulfilment Manager
Loves coffee, sailing and working at Daye.
Software Engineer
Fueled by beer and determination
Design Engineer
Loves basketball and problem solving